Northwest Passage Expedition – daily update 15 August 2024

Left Botany Island early. The 9pm start had already been moved to 8pm yesterday afternoon. Then at 5:45pm yesterday, a mere 45mins into my rest period, it was decided to leave asap because winds and currents were okay. Shortly past 6pm yesterday, we were on our merry way.

53 miles (96km) all the way to the Richardson Islands. We rowed non-stop for 25h, mainly in the usual 3+1 rotation. In order to give everyone an opportunity for a short nap we briefly switched to the 2 resting, 1 steering, 1 rowing rotation a couple of times, which worked okay while we had some side tailwind.

On one occasion we saw a boat near a river mouth on Victoria Island, 3 miles away. On another occasion our depth sonar played wild, going from 110m to 5m then back to 110m, then again 5m, then finally back to 110m, all within half a minute. We didn’t come to a conclusion, but possible explanations involved a submarine, a whale, and system distortion due to changes in water salinity or similar.

Today was by far the toughest day so far. I didn’t take many pictures, as too tired. Still, a good feeling to finally have clocked some reasonable mileage.

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